Farewell Game Dev, you will be surely missed #9

So we had our Game expo, it went much better than I expected.

Coding wise I feel that I dint learn as much as I thought that I would (not that it wasn’t taught, I was just never able to catch on with most of it). Although looking at my art skills I fell that I have improved. I had never done an actual animation before this course, and now I know how to make full sprite sheets and layouts for animation.


To be honest, before I came to the Game Dev program I thought that it would be 50/50 art and code. I was wrong,and although it was mostly coding and I did not understand most of it I still had a blast in the program. My dreams of being part of a team in the video gaming industry are still strong, and I look forward to going into animation next year.


Peace out,


Flash Game is finished :3 #8

So in our Flash class at school we had to get with a group and make a simple game. This project was really fun to work on. I did the art for the characters in this project and I am very proud of how they turned out. 🙂 I feel like the toughest part was designing the character and making that character in 16 bit style. I had never done that before and I tend to put a lot of detail in my art but for this It had to be less detailed to look good. 

The finished Product looks awesome and our team worked really well together 🙂 all in all an  a great experience.

Micro Transactions and how I feel about them #7

A lot of people that I know play games that make you buy things in game with real money. Personally I don’t like this. One of the reasons is that some of these games look really fun and my friends all want me to play those with them but I can’t because I never have enough money to keep up with those games. Its like they are dangling a piece of meat in front of hungry dogs just out of their reach. It just seems a bit unfair.

Games and such #4

I didn’t get to play many games as a kid (my parents didn’t think they were good for anything ) but I remember the first couple games that I played. Earthworm Jim on pc and The Legend of Zelda OoT. these two games made me fall in love with gaming. The experience shaped my views on games as fun problem solvers. Like puzzles. When my parents realized this they decided it wasn’t all that bad to have video games. 

It made me realize that not all games are mindless shooters. Some of them can really make you think.